]> git.imager.perl.org - imager.git/blob - MANIFEST
avoid reading beyond the end of the line buffer in rubthrough
[imager.git] / MANIFEST
1 adobe.txt                       License for makeblended font
2 apidocs.perl                    Build lib/Imager/APIRef.pm
3 bigtest.perl                    Library selection tester
4 bmp.c                           Reading and writing Windows BMP files
5 Changes
6 Changes.old                     Old changes
7 color.c                         Color translation and handling
8 combine.im                      Channel combine
9 compose.im
10 context.c
11 conv.im
12 convert.im
13 CountColor/CountColor.pm        sample XS access to API
14 CountColor/CountColor.xs
15 CountColor/Makefile.PL
16 CountColor/t/t00countcolor.t
17 datatypes.c
18 doco.perl
19 draw.c
20 draw.h
21 dynaload.c
22 dynaload.h
23 dynfilt/compile.txt
24 dynfilt/dt2.c
25 dynfilt/dt2.exp
26 dynfilt/dyntest.c
27 dynfilt/dyntest.exp
28 dynfilt/flines.c
29 dynfilt/flines.exp
30 dynfilt/Makefile.PL
31 dynfilt/mandelbrot.c
32 dynfilt/mandelbrot.exp
33 dynfilt/pluginst.h
34 dynfilt/t/t60dyntest.t          Simple test script
35 DynTest/DynTest.pm              simple conversion of the dyntest sample from dynfilt/
36 DynTest/DynTest.xs
37 DynTest/linstretch.c
38 DynTest/Makefile.PL
39 DynTest/t/t00dyntest.t
40 errep.perl
41 error.c
42 ext.h
43 feat.c
44 feat.h
45 fills.c                         Generic fills
46 filterlist.perl
47 filters.im
48 Flines/Flines.pm
49 Flines/Flines.xs
50 Flines/Makefile.PL
51 Flines/t/t00flines.t
52 flip.im
53 fontfiles/dodge.ttf
54 fontfiles/ExistenceTest.ttf     generated using pfaedit
55 fontfiles/ImUgly.ttf
56 fontfiles/NameTest.ttf          test glyph_names() - see FT2/t/t10ft2.t
57 fontft1.c
58 FT2/fontfiles/dodge.ttf
59 FT2/fontfiles/ExistenceTest.afm
60 FT2/fontfiles/ExistenceTest.pfb
61 FT2/fontfiles/ExistenceTest.ttf
62 FT2/fontfiles/ImUgly.ttf
63 FT2/fontfiles/MMOne.pfb         multiple master test font
64 FT2/fontfiles/NameTest.ttf
65 FT2/freetyp2.c                  Implements freetype2 font support
66 FT2/FT2.pm
67 FT2/FT2.xs
68 FT2/imft2.h
69 FT2/Makefile.PL
71 FT2/t/t10ft2.t
72 FT2/t/t20thread.t
73 FT2/t/t90std.t                  Standard font tests for FT2
74 FT2/typemap
75 gaussian.im
76 GIF/GIF.pm
77 GIF/GIF.xs
78 GIF/imgif.c
79 GIF/imgif.h
80 GIF/Makefile.PL
82 GIF/t/t10gif.t
83 GIF/t/t20new.t
84 GIF/t/t30fixed.t
85 GIF/t/t40limit.t
86 GIF/t/t50header.t
87 GIF/testimg/badindex.gif        GIF with a bad color index
88 GIF/testimg/bandw.gif
89 GIF/testimg/expected.gif
90 GIF/testimg/loccmap.gif
91 GIF/testimg/nocmap.gif
92 GIF/testimg/scale.gif
93 GIF/testimg/scalei.gif
94 GIF/testimg/screen2.gif
95 GIF/testimg/screen3.gif
96 GIF/testimg/trimgdesc.gif
97 GIF/testimg/trmiddesc.gif
98 GIF/testimg/zerocomm.gif        Image with a zero-length comment extension
99 hlines.c                        Manage sets of horizontal line segments
100 ICO/ICO.pm                      Windows Icon file support
101 ICO/ICO.xs
102 ICO/imicon.c
103 ICO/imicon.h
104 ICO/lib/Imager/File/CUR.pm
105 ICO/Makefile.PL
106 ICO/msicon.c
107 ICO/msicon.h
108 ICO/t/t10icon.t
109 ICO/t/t20readone.t
110 ICO/t/t21readmult.t
111 ICO/t/t30cursor.t
112 ICO/t/t40readcurone.t
113 ICO/t/t41curmultread.t
114 ICO/t/t50readfail.t
115 ICO/t/t60writefail.t
116 ICO/t/t70icosing.t
117 ICO/t/t71icomult.t
118 ICO/t/t72cursing.t
119 ICO/t/t73curmult.t
120 ICO/testimg/combo.ico
121 ICO/testimg/pal13232.ico
122 ICO/testimg/pal256.ico
123 ICO/testimg/pal43232.cur
124 ICO/testimg/pal43232.ico
125 ICO/testimg/pal43232.ppm
126 ICO/testimg/pal83232.ico
127 ICO/testimg/pal83232.ppm
128 ICO/testimg/rgb1616.ico
129 ICO/testimg/rgba3232.ico
130 ICO/testimg/rgba3232.ppm
131 image.c
132 imager.h
133 Imager.pm
134 Imager.xs
135 imageri.h
136 imdatatypes.h
137 imerror.h                       Error handling functions
138 imext.c                         Defines the function table
139 imext.h                         Included by external modules for API access
140 imextdef.h
141 imextpl.h                       Included by external modules for Perl API access
142 imextpltypes.h                  Define Perl API function table type
143 imexttypes.h                    Define API function table type
144 img16.c                         Implements 16-bit/sample images
145 img8.c                          Implements 8-bit/sample images
146 imgdouble.c                     Implements double/sample images
147 imio.h
148 immacros.h
149 imperl.h
150 imperlio.h
151 imrender.h                      Buffer rending engine function declarations
152 inc/Devel/CheckLib.pm           David Cantrell's Devel::CheckLib
153 io.c
154 iolayer.c
155 iolayer.h
156 iolayert.h                      IO layer types
157 JPEG/imexif.c                   Experimental JPEG EXIF decoding
158 JPEG/imexif.h
159 JPEG/imjpeg.c
160 JPEG/imjpeg.h
161 JPEG/JPEG.pm
162 JPEG/JPEG.xs
163 JPEG/Makefile.PL
165 JPEG/t/t00load.t
166 JPEG/t/t10jpeg.t                Test jpeg support
167 JPEG/t/t20limit.t
168 JPEG/testimg/209_yonge.jpg      Regression test: #17981
169 JPEG/testimg/exiftest.jpg       Test image for EXIF parsing
170 JPEG/testimg/scmyk.jpg          Simple CMYK JPEG image
171 JPEG/testimg/zerotype.jpg       Image with a zero type entry in the EXIF data
172 lib/Imager/API.pod
173 lib/Imager/APIRef.pod           API function reference
174 lib/Imager/Color.pm
175 lib/Imager/Color/Float.pm
176 lib/Imager/Color/Table.pm
177 lib/Imager/Cookbook.pod
178 lib/Imager/Draw.pod
179 lib/Imager/Engines.pod
180 lib/Imager/Expr.pm
181 lib/Imager/Expr/Assem.pm
182 lib/Imager/ExtUtils.pm
183 lib/Imager/Files.pod
184 lib/Imager/Fill.pm
185 lib/Imager/Filters.pod
186 lib/Imager/Font.pm
187 lib/Imager/Font/BBox.pm
188 lib/Imager/Font/FreeType2.pm
189 lib/Imager/Font/Image.pm
190 lib/Imager/Font/Test.pm         Font for testing (outputs boxes only)
191 lib/Imager/Font/Truetype.pm
192 lib/Imager/Font/Type1.pm        Compatibility wrapper for Imager::Font::T1
193 lib/Imager/Font/Wrap.pm
194 lib/Imager/Fountain.pm
195 lib/Imager/Handy.pod
196 lib/Imager/ImageTypes.pod
197 lib/Imager/Inline.pod           Using Imager with Inline::C
198 lib/Imager/Install.pod          Installation notes
199 lib/Imager/interface.pod
200 lib/Imager/IO.pod               Document Imager::IO objects
201 lib/Imager/LargeSamples.pod     Track large sample support
202 lib/Imager/Matrix2d.pm
203 lib/Imager/Preprocess.pm
204 lib/Imager/Probe.pm             Library probes
205 lib/Imager/regmach.pod
206 lib/Imager/Regops.pm
207 lib/Imager/Security.pod
208 lib/Imager/Test.pm
209 lib/Imager/Threads.pod
210 lib/Imager/Transform.pm
211 lib/Imager/Transformations.pod
212 lib/Imager/Tutorial.pod
213 limits.c
214 log.c
215 log.h
216 Makefile.PL
217 Mandelbrot/Makefile.PL          more complex filter
218 Mandelbrot/mandel.c
219 Mandelbrot/Mandelbrot.pm
220 Mandelbrot/Mandelbrot.xs
221 Mandelbrot/t/t00mandel.t
224 map.c
225 maskimg.c
226 mutexnull.c
227 mutexpthr.c
228 mutexwin.c
229 palimg.c
230 paste.im
231 perlio.c
232 plug.h
233 PNG/impng.c
234 PNG/impng.h
235 PNG/Makefile.PL
236 PNG/PNG.pm
237 PNG/PNG.xs
239 PNG/t/00load.t
240 PNG/t/10png.t                   Test png support
241 PNG/testimg/badcrc.png
242 PNG/testimg/bilevel.png
243 PNG/testimg/comment.png
244 PNG/testimg/cover.png
245 PNG/testimg/cover16.png
246 PNG/testimg/cover16i.png
247 PNG/testimg/coveri.png
248 PNG/testimg/coverpal.png
249 PNG/testimg/coverpali.png
250 PNG/testimg/gray.png
251 PNG/testimg/graya.png
252 PNG/testimg/pal.png
253 PNG/testimg/palette.png
254 PNG/testimg/palette_out.png
255 PNG/testimg/paltrans.png
256 PNG/testimg/rgb16.png
257 PNG/testimg/rgb8.png
258 PNG/testimg/rgb8i.png
259 pnm.c
260 polygon.c
261 ppport.h
262 quant.c
263 raw.c
265 regmach.c
266 regmach.h
267 regops.perl
268 render.im
269 rendert.h                       Buffer rendering engine types
270 rotate.im
271 rubthru.im
272 samples/align-string.pl         Demonstrate align_string method.
273 samples/anaglyph.pl
274 samples/border.pl               Demonstrate adding a border
275 samples/drop_shadow.pl          Draw a drop shadow or glow
276 samples/flasher.pl              Animate an source image fading to a color and back
277 samples/gifscale.pl             Scale an animated GIF, preserving animation info
278 samples/inline_capture2image.pl convert captured BGR data to an image
279 samples/inline_replace_color.pl replace colors using Inline::C
280 samples/interleave.pl
281 samples/quad_to_square.pl       Transform a quadrilateral into a square
282 samples/README
283 samples/replace_color.pl        replace colors using transform2()
284 samples/samp-form.cgi
285 samples/samp-image.cgi
286 samples/samp-scale.cgi          Demonstrate image upload via a HTML form
287 samples/samp-scale.html         Form for samp-scale.cgi
288 samples/samp-tags.cgi           Demonstrate image upload via a HTML form
289 samples/samp-tags.html          Form for samp-tags.cgi
290 samples/slant_text.pl           Using $font->transform() to slant text
291 samples/tk-photo.pl
292 samples/wiggle.pl               "Wiggle" stereoscopy
293 scale.im                        Newer scaling code
294 SGI/imsgi.c
295 SGI/imsgi.h
296 SGI/Makefile.PL
297 SGI/SGI.pm
298 SGI/SGI.xs
299 SGI/t/00load.t
300 SGI/t/10read.t
301 SGI/t/20write.t
302 SGI/t/30limit.t                 Test size limit checking
303 SGI/testimg/rle.rgb
304 SGI/testimg/rle12.rgb
305 SGI/testimg/rle16.rgb
306 SGI/testimg/rle6.rgb
307 SGI/testimg/rleagr.rgb
308 SGI/testimg/verb.rgb
309 SGI/testimg/verb12.rgb
310 SGI/testimg/verb16.rgb
311 SGI/testimg/verb6.rgb
312 spot.perl                       For making an ordered dither matrix from a spot function
313 stackmach.c
314 stackmach.h
315 t/000-load.t                    Test Imager modules can be loaded
316 t/100-base/010-introvert.t      Test image inspection
317 t/100-base/020-color.t          Test Imager::Color
318 t/100-base/030-countc.t         Test getcolorcount() etc
319 t/100-base/800-tr18561.t        Regression test for RT #18561
320 t/100-base/801-tr18561b.t       Regression test for RT #18561
321 t/150-type/020-sixteen.t        Test 16-bit/sample images
322 t/150-type/030-double.t         Test double/sample images
323 t/150-type/040-palette.t        Test paletted images
324 t/150-type/100-masked.t         Test masked images
325 t/200-file/010-iolayer.t        Test Imager I/O layer objects
326 t/200-file/100-files.t          Format independent file tests
327 t/200-file/200-nojpeg.t         Test handling when jpeg not available
328 t/200-file/210-nopng.t          Test handling when png not available
329 t/200-file/220-nogif.t          Test handling when gif not available
330 t/200-file/230-notiff.t         Test handling when tiff not available
331 t/200-file/300-raw.t            Test raw file handling
332 t/200-file/310-pnm.t            Test PNM file handling
333 t/200-file/320-bmp.t            Test BMP file handling
334 t/200-file/330-tga.t            Test TGA file handling
335 t/200-file/400-basic.t          Test basic operations across file formats
336 t/250-draw/010-draw.t           Basic drawing tests
337 t/250-draw/020-flood.t          Flood fill tests
338 t/250-draw/030-paste.t          Test the paste() method
339 t/250-draw/040-rubthru.t        Test the rubthrough() method
340 t/250-draw/050-polyaa.t         polygon()
341 t/250-draw/100-fill.t           fills
342 t/250-draw/200-compose.t        compose()
343 t/300-transform/010-scale.t     scale(), scaleX() and scaleY()
344 t/300-transform/020-combine.t   Test combine() method
345 t/300-transform/030-copyflip.t  Test copy, flip, rotate, matrix_transform
346 t/300-transform/040-crop.t
347 t/300-transform/050-convert.t
348 t/300-transform/060-map.t
349 t/300-transform/500-trans.t     transform()
350 t/300-transform/600-trans2.t    transform2() using RPN
351 t/300-transform/610-postfix.t   more transform2() using RPN
352 t/300-transform/620-infix.t     transform2() using infix
353 t/300-transform/630-assem.t     transform2() using assembler
354 t/350-font/010-font.t           General font interface tests
355 t/350-font/020-tt.t             low level FT1 tests
356 t/350-font/030-ttoo.t           OO level FT1 tests
357 t/350-font/040-ttstd.t          Standard font tests for TT
358 t/350-font/100-texttools.t      Test text wrapping
359 t/400-filter/010-filters.t      Consolidated filter tests (needs to split)
360 t/450-api/100-inline.t          Inline::C integration and API
361 t/450-api/110-inlinectx.t       context APIs
362 t/850-thread/010-base.t         Test wrt to perl threads
363 t/850-thread/100-error.t        error stack handling with threads
364 t/850-thread/110-log.t          log handling with threads
365 t/900-util/010-test.t           Test Imager::Test
366 t/900-util/020-error.t          Error stack
367 t/900-util/030-log.t            log
368 t/900-util/040-limit.t          file size limits
369 t/900-util/050-matrix.t         Imager::Matrix2d
370 t/900-util/060-extutil.t        Imager::ExtUtils
371 t/900-util/060-hlines.t         hlines.c internal API
372 t/950-kwalitee/010-pod.t        Test POD with Test::Pod
373 t/950-kwalitee/020-samples.t    Check samples are in samples/README
374 t/950-kwalitee/030-podcover.t   POD Coverage tests
375 t/950-kwalitee/040-strict.t     Check use strict is usede
376 t/950-kwalitee/050-meta.t       Check META.yml is valid
377 t/950-kwalitee/060-podstruct.t
378 t/GoodTestFont.pm               A dummy (hardly implemented) font driver.
379 t/Pod/Coverage/Imager.pm
380 t/t1000lib/Imager/File/BAD.pm   Test failing to load a file handler
381 T1/fontfiles/dcr10.afm
382 T1/fontfiles/dcr10.pfb
383 T1/fontfiles/ExistenceTest.afm  please edit ExistenceTest.sfd in CVS
384 T1/fontfiles/ExistenceTest.pfb  to change these files, edited and
385 T1/fontfiles/SpaceTest.afm      test bounding box with spaces in t10type1.t
386 T1/fontfiles/SpaceTest.pfb
387 T1/imt1.c
388 T1/imt1.h
389 T1/Makefile.PL
391 T1/t/t10type1.t
392 T1/t/t20oo.t
393 T1/t/t30thread.t
394 T1/t/t90std.t                   Standard font tests for T1
395 T1/T1.pm
396 T1/T1.xs
397 T1/typemap
398 tags.c
399 testimg/alpha16.tga             16-bit/pixel TGA with alpha "channel" RT 32926
400 testimg/bad1oflow.bmp           1-bit/pixel, overflow integer on 32-bit machines
401 testimg/bad1wid0.bmp            1-bit/pixel, zero width
402 testimg/bad24comp.bmp           24-bit/pixel, bad compression
403 testimg/bad24oflow.bmp          24-bit/pixel, overflow integer on 32-bit machines
404 testimg/bad24wid0.bmp           24-bit/pixel, 0 width
405 testimg/bad4oflow.bmp           4-bit/pixel, overflow integer on 32-bit machines
406 testimg/bad4wid0.bmp            4-bit/pixel, 0 width
407 testimg/bad4widbig.bmp          4-bit/pixel, large width
408 testimg/bad8comp.bmp            8-bit/pixel, bad compression
409 testimg/bad8oflow.bmp           8-bit/pixel, overflow integer on 32-bit machines
410 testimg/bad8useda.bmp           8-bit/pixel, bad colors used value
411 testimg/bad8wid0.bmp            8-bit/pixel, width 0
412 testimg/bad_asc.pbm             ASCII PBM with invalid image data
413 testimg/bad_asc.pgm             ASCII PGM with invalid image data
414 testimg/bad_asc.ppm             ASCII PPM with invalid image data
415 testimg/badbits.bmp             bad bits value in header
416 testimg/badcomp1.bmp            bad compression for 1-bit/pixel
417 testimg/badcomp4.bmp            bad compression for 4-bit/pixel
418 testimg/badplanes.bmp           bad planes value in header
419 testimg/badused1.bmp            1-bit/pixel, out of range colors used value
420 testimg/badused4a.bmp           4-bit/pixel, badly out of range used value (SEGV test)
421 testimg/badused4b.bmp           4-bit/pixel, just out of range used value (SEGV test)
422 testimg/base.jpg                Base JPEG test image
423 testimg/comp4.bmp               Compressed 4-bit/pixel BMP
424 testimg/comp8.bmp               Compressed 8-bit/pixel BMP
425 testimg/filltest.ppm            Test for flood fills
426 testimg/gimpgrad                A GIMP gradient file
427 testimg/gradbad.ggr             A bad GIMP gradient file (bad seg count)
428 testimg/gradbad2.ggr            A bad GIMP gradient file (bad segment)
429 testimg/imager.pbm              Test bi-level
430 testimg/junk.ppm
431 testimg/longid.tga              Test TGA with a long id string
432 testimg/maxval.ppm              For ppm file maxval handling
433 testimg/maxval_0.ppm
434 testimg/maxval_256.ppm
435 testimg/maxval_4095_asc.ppm
436 testimg/maxval_65536.ppm
437 testimg/maxval_asc.ppm
438 testimg/multiple.ppm            Test multiple PPM reading
439 testimg/newgimpgrad.ggr         Test GIMP Gradient file (newer type)
440 testimg/penguin-base.ppm
441 testimg/pgm.pgm                 Simple pgm for testing the right sample is in the right place
442 testimg/scale.ppm
443 testimg/short1.bmp              1-bit/pixel, data missing from EOF
444 testimg/short24.bmp             24-bit/pixel, data missing from EOF
445 testimg/short4.bmp              truncated 4bit/pixel uncompressed BMP
446 testimg/short4rle.bmp           truncated 4bit/pixel compressed BMP
447 testimg/short8.bmp              8-bit/pixel, data missing from EOF
448 testimg/short8rle.bmp           8-bit/pixel compressed, data missing from EOF
449 testimg/short_asc.pbm           ASCII PBM with short image section
450 testimg/short_asc.pgm           ASCII PGM with short image section
451 testimg/short_asc.ppm           ASCII PPM with short image section
452 testimg/short_bin.pbm           Bin PBM with short image section
453 testimg/short_bin.pgm           Bin PGM with short image section
454 testimg/short_bin.ppm           Bin PPM with short image section
455 testimg/short_bin16.pgm         16-bit Bin PGM with short image section
456 testimg/short_bin16.ppm         16-bit Bin PPM with short image section
457 testimg/simple.pbm
458 testimg/test.png                Standard test image as PNG
459 testimg/test.raw                Standard test image as RAW
460 testimg/test.tga                Standard test image as TGA
461 testimg/test_gimp_pal           A simple GIMP palette file
462 testimg/tootall.ppm
463 testimg/toowide.ppm
464 testimg/winrgb2.bmp             1-bit bmp base
465 testimg/winrgb24.bmp            24-bit bmp base
466 testimg/winrgb24off.bmp         24-bit bmp with image data offset from header
467 testimg/winrgb2off.bmp          1-bit bmp with image data offset from header
468 testimg/winrgb4.bmp             4-bit bmp base
469 testimg/winrgb4off.bmp          4-bit bmp with image data offset from header
470 testimg/winrgb8.bmp             8-bit bmp base
471 testimg/winrgb8off.bmp          8-bit bmp with image data offset from header
472 tga.c                           Reading and writing Targa files
473 TIFF/imtiff.c
474 TIFF/imtiff.h
475 TIFF/Makefile.PL
477 TIFF/t/t10tiff.t                Test tiff support
478 TIFF/testimg/alpha.tif          Alpha scaling test image
479 TIFF/testimg/comp4.bmp          Compressed 4-bit/pixel BMP
480 TIFF/testimg/comp4.tif          4-bit/pixel paletted TIFF
481 TIFF/testimg/comp4bad.tif       corrupted 4-bit/pixel paletted TIFF
482 TIFF/testimg/comp4t.tif         4-bit/pixel paletted TIFF (tiled)
483 TIFF/testimg/comp8.bmp          Compressed 8-bit/pixel BMP
484 TIFF/testimg/comp8.tif          8-bit/pixel paletted TIFF
485 TIFF/testimg/gralpha.tif        Grey alpha test image
486 TIFF/testimg/grey16.tif         16-bit/sample greyscale TIFF
487 TIFF/testimg/grey16sg.tif       signed 16-bit/sample greyscale TIFF
488 TIFF/testimg/grey32.tif         32-bit/sample greyscale+alpha TIFF
489 TIFF/testimg/imager.pbm         Test bi-level
490 TIFF/testimg/imager.tif         Test bi-level
491 TIFF/testimg/pengtile.tif       Tiled tiff image, same as penguin-base.ppm
492 TIFF/testimg/penguin-base.ppm
493 TIFF/testimg/rgb16.tif          16-bit/sample RGB image - strips
494 TIFF/testimg/rgb16t.tif         16-bit/sample RGB image - tiled
495 TIFF/testimg/rgbatsep.tif       Tiled/separated for testing RGBA codepath
496 TIFF/testimg/scmyk.tif          Simple CMYK TIFF image
497 TIFF/testimg/scmyka.tif         CMYK with one alpha channel
498 TIFF/testimg/scmyka16.tif       CMYK with one alpha channel (16-bit)
499 TIFF/testimg/scmykaa.tif        CMYK with 2 alpha channels
500 TIFF/testimg/slab.tif           Lab color image
501 TIFF/testimg/srgb.tif           Simple RGB image
502 TIFF/testimg/srgba.tif          RGB with one alpha
503 TIFF/testimg/srgba16.tif
504 TIFF/testimg/srgba32.tif
505 TIFF/testimg/srgba32f.tif       floating point sample RGBA
506 TIFF/testimg/srgbaa.tif         RGB with 2 alpha
507 TIFF/testimg/tiffwarn.tif       Generates a warning while being read
508 TIFF/TIFF.pm
509 TIFF/TIFF.xs
510 trans2.c
511 transform.perl                  Shell interface to Imager::Transform
512 typemap
513 typemap.local                   typemap for Imager.xs specific definitions
514 typemap.oldperl                 typemap for older versions of perl
515 W32/fontfiles/ExistenceTest.ttf
516 W32/imw32.h
517 W32/lib/Imager/Font/Win32.pm
518 W32/Makefile.PL
519 W32/README
520 W32/t/t10win32.t                Tests Win32 GDI font support
521 W32/t/t90std.t                  Standard font tests for W32
522 W32/W32.pm
523 W32/W32.xs
524 W32/win32.c                     Implements font support through Win32 GDI