#!perl -w use strict; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use Cwd; use Config; use File::Spec; use Getopt::Long; use vars qw(%Recommends); use ExtUtils::Manifest qw(maniread); use vars qw(%formats $VERBOSE $INCPATH $LIBPATH $NOLOG $DEBUG_MALLOC $MANUAL $CFLAGS $LFLAGS $DFLAGS); # # IM_INCPATH colon seperated list of paths to extra include paths # IM_LIBPATH colon seperated list of paths to extra library paths # # IM_VERBOSE turns on verbose mode for the library finding and such # IM_MANUAL to manually select which libraries are used and which not # IM_ENABLE to programmatically select which libraries are used # and which are not # IM_NOLOG if true logging will not be compiled into the module # IM_DEBUG_MALLOC if true malloc debbuging will be compiled into the module # do not use IM_DEBUG_MALLOC in production - this slows # everything down by alot # IM_CFLAGS Extra flags to pass to the compiler # IM_LFLAGS Extra flags to pass to the linker # IM_DFLAGS Extra flags to pass to the preprocessor # IM_SUPPRESS_PROMPT Suppress the prompt asking about gif support getenv(); # get environment variables my $lext=$Config{'so'}; # Get extensions of libraries my $aext=$Config{'_a'}; my $help; # display help if set my @enable; # list of drivers to enable my @disable; # or list of drivers to disable my @incpaths; # places to look for headers my @libpaths; # places to look for libraries my $noexif; # non-zero to disable EXIF parsing of JPEGs my $no_gif_set_version; # disable calling EGifSetGifVersion my $coverage; # build for coverage testing GetOptions("help" => \$help, "enable=s" => \@enable, "disable=s" => \@disable, "incpath=s", \@incpaths, "libpath=s" => \@libpaths, "verbose|v" => \$VERBOSE, "nolog" => \$NOLOG, "noexif" => \$noexif, "nogifsetversion" => \$no_gif_set_version, 'coverage' => \$coverage); if ($VERBOSE) { print "Verbose mode\n"; require Data::Dumper; import Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); } if ($help) { usage(); } my @defines; if ($NOLOG) { print "Logging not compiled into module\n"; } else { push @defines, [ IMAGER_LOG => 1, "Logging system" ]; } if ($DEBUG_MALLOC) { push @defines, [ IMAGER_DEBUG_MALLOC => 1, "Use Imager's DEBUG malloc()" ]; print "Malloc debugging enabled\n"; } if (@enable && @disable) { print STDERR "Only --enable or --disable can be used, not both, try --help\n"; exit 1; } my %definc; my %deflib; my @incs; # all the places to look for headers my @libs; # all the places to look for libraries init(); # initialize global data pathcheck(); # Check if directories exist if (exists $ENV{IM_ENABLE}) { my %en = map { $_, 1 } split ' ', $ENV{IM_ENABLE}; for my $key (keys %formats) { delete $formats{$key} unless $en{$key}; } } if (@enable) { my %en = map { $_ => 1 } map { split /,/ } @enable; for my $key (keys %formats) { delete $formats{$key} unless $en{$key}; } } elsif (@disable) { delete @formats{map { split /,/ } @disable}; } # Pick what libraries are used if ($MANUAL) { manual(); } else { automatic(); } # Make sure there isn't a clash between the gif libraries. gifcheck(); my $lib_cflags = ''; my $lib_lflags = ''; my $F_LIBS = ''; my $F_OBJECT = ''; for my $frmkey (sort { $formats{$a}{order} <=> $formats{$b}{order} } keys %formats) { my $frm = $formats{$frmkey}; push @defines, [ $frm->{def}, 1, "$frmkey available" ]; $F_OBJECT .= ' ' .$frm->{objfiles}; if ($frm->{cflags}) { $lib_cflags .= ' ' .$frm->{cflags}; ++$definc{$_} for map { /^-I(.*)$/ ? ($1) : () } grep /^-I./, split ' ', $frm->{cflags}; } if ($frm->{lflags}) { $lib_lflags .= ' ' . $frm->{lflags}; } else { $F_LIBS .= ' ' .$frm->{libfiles}; } } unless ($noexif) { print "EXIF support enabled\n"; push @defines, [ 'IMEXIF_ENABLE', 1, "Enable experimental EXIF support" ]; $F_OBJECT .= ' imexif.o'; } my $F_INC = join ' ', map "-I$_", map / / ? qq{"$_"} : $_, grep !$definc{$_}, @incs; $F_LIBS = join(' ',map "-L$_", map / / ? qq{"$_"} : $_, grep !$deflib{$_}++, @libs) . $F_LIBS; my $OSLIBS = ''; my $OSDEF = "-DOS_$^O"; if ($^O eq 'hpux') { $OSLIBS .= ' -ldld'; } if (defined $Config{'d_dlsymun'}) { $OSDEF .= ' -DDLSYMUN'; } my @objs = qw(Imager.o draw.o polygon.o image.o io.o iolayer.o log.o gaussian.o conv.o pnm.o raw.o feat.o font.o filters.o dynaload.o stackmach.o datatypes.o regmach.o trans2.o quant.o error.o convert.o map.o tags.o palimg.o maskimg.o img16.o rotate.o bmp.o tga.o color.o fills.o imgdouble.o limits.o hlines.o imext.o scale.o rubthru.o render.o); $Recommends{Imager} = { 'Parse::RecDescent' => 0 }; my %opts=( 'NAME' => 'Imager', 'VERSION_FROM' => 'Imager.pm', 'LIBS' => "$LFLAGS -lm $lib_lflags $OSLIBS $F_LIBS", 'DEFINE' => "$OSDEF $CFLAGS", 'INC' => "$lib_cflags $DFLAGS $F_INC", 'OBJECT' => join(' ', @objs, $F_OBJECT), clean => { FILES=>'testout meta.tmp rubthru.c scale.c' }, PM => gen_PM(), PREREQ_PM => { 'Test::More' => 0.47 }, ); if ($coverage) { if ($Config{gccversion}) { push @ARGV, 'OPTIMIZE=-ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs'; #$opts{dynamic_lib} = { OTHERLDFLAGS => '-ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs' }; } else { die "Don't know the coverage C flags for your compiler\n"; } } # eval to prevent warnings about versions with _ in them my $MM_ver = eval $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION; if ($MM_ver > 6.06) { $opts{AUTHOR} = 'Tony Cook , Arnar M. Hrafnkelsson'; $opts{ABSTRACT} = 'Perl extension for Generating 24 bit Images'; } if ($MM_ver > 6.10) { $opts{NO_META} = 1; } make_imconfig(\@defines); if ($VERBOSE) { print Dumper(\%opts); } mkdir('testout',0777); # since we cannot include it in the archive. make_metafile(\%opts); WriteMakefile(%opts); exit; sub MY::postamble { my $self = shift; my $perl = $self->{PERLRUN} ? '$(PERLRUN)' : '$(PERL)'; my $mani = maniread; my @ims = grep /\.im$/, keys %$mani; ' dyntest.$(MYEXTLIB) : dynfilt/Makefile cd dynfilt && $(MAKE) $(PASTHRU) lib/Imager/Regops.pm : regmach.h regops.perl $(PERL) regops.perl regmach.h lib/Imager/Regops.pm imconfig.h : Makefile.PL $(ECHO) "imconfig.h out-of-date with respect to $?" $(PERLRUN) Makefile.PL $(ECHO) "==> Your Makefile has been rebuilt - re-run your make command <==" '.qq! lib/Imager/APIRef.pod : \$(C_FILES) apidocs.perl $perl apidocs.perl lib/Imager/APIRef.pod !.join('', map _im_rule($perl, $_), @ims) } sub _im_rule { my ($perl, $im) = @_; (my $c = $im) =~ s/\.im$/.c/; return < to continue EOF ; # eat one return for my $frm(sort { $formats{$b}{order} <=> $formats{$a}{order} } keys %formats) { SWX: if ($formats{$frm}{docs}) { print "\n",$formats{$frm}{docs},"\n\n"; } print "Enable $frm support: "; my $gz = ; chomp($gz); if ($gz =~ m/^(y|yes|n|no)/i) { $gz=substr(lc($gz),0,1); if ($gz eq 'n') { delete $formats{$frm}; } } else { goto SWX; } } } # automatic configuration of helper libraries sub automatic { print "Automatic probing:\n" if $VERBOSE; for my $frm (sort { $formats{$a}{order} <=> $formats{$b}{order} } keys %formats) { delete $formats{$frm} if !checkformat($frm); } } sub gifcheck { if ($formats{'gif'} and $formats{'ungif'}) { print "ungif and gif can not coexist - removing ungif support\n"; delete $formats{'ungif'}; } for my $frm (qw(gif ungif)) { checkformat($frm) if ($MANUAL and $formats{$frm}); } my @dirs; for my $frm (grep $formats{$_}, qw(gif ungif)) { push(@dirs, @{$formats{$frm}{incdir}}) if $formats{$frm}{incdir}; } my $minor = 0; my $major = 0; FILES: for my $dir (@dirs) { my $h = "$dir/gif_lib.h"; open H, "< $h" or next; while () { if (/GIF_LIB_VERSION\s+"\s*version\s*(\d+)\.(\d+)/i) { $major = $1; $minor = $2; close H; last FILES; } } close H; } # we need the version in a #ifdefable form push @defines, [ IM_GIFMAJOR => $major, "Parsed giflib version" ]; push @defines, [ IM_GIFMINOR => $minor ]; push @defines, [ IM_NO_SET_GIF_VERSION => 1, "Disable EGifSetGifVersion" ] if $no_gif_set_version; } sub grep_directory { my($path, $chk)=@_; # print "checking path $path\n"; if ( !opendir(DH,$path) ) { warn "Cannot open dir $path: $!\n"; return; } my @l=grep { $chk->($_) } readdir(DH); # print @l; close(DH); return map $path, @l; } sub checkformat { my $frm=shift; print " checkformat($frm)\n" if $VERBOSE; my $probe_array = $formats{$frm}{'code'}; if ($probe_array) { print " Calling probe function\n" if $VERBOSE; if (ref $probe_array ne 'ARRAY') { $probe_array = [ $probe_array ]; } for my $func (@$probe_array) { return 1 if $func->($formats{$frm}, $frm); } } my $lib_check=$formats{$frm}{'libcheck'}; my $inc_check=$formats{$frm}{'inccheck'}; if ($lib_check) { my @l; for my $lp (@libs) { push(@l, grep_directory($lp,$lib_check)); } my @i; for my $ip (@incs) { push(@i, $ip) if $inc_check->($ip,$frm); } printf("%10s: includes %s - libraries %s\n",$frm,(@i?'found':'not found'),(@l?'found':'not found')); $formats{$frm}{incdir} = \@i; $formats{$frm}{libdir} = \@l; return 1 if scalar(@i && @l); } else { printf("%10s: not available\n", $frm); } return 0; } sub pathcheck { if ($VERBOSE) { print "pathcheck\n"; print " Include paths:\n"; for (@incs) { print $_,"\n"; } } @incs=grep { -d $_ && -r _ && -x _ or ( print(" $_ doesnt exist or is unaccessible - removed.\n"),0) } @incs; if ($VERBOSE) { print "\nLibrary paths:\n"; for (@libs) { print $_,"\n"; } } @libs=grep { -d $_ && -r _ && -x _ or ( print(" $_ doesnt exist or is unaccessible - removed.\n"),0) } @libs; print "\ndone.\n"; } # Format data initialization # format definition is: # defines needed # default include path # files needed for include (boolean perl code) # default lib path # libs needed # files needed for link (boolean perl code) # object files needed for the format sub init { my @definc = qw(/usr/include); @definc{@definc}=(1) x @definc; @incs=(split(/\Q$Config{path_sep}/, $INCPATH), map { split /\Q$Config{path_sep}/} @incpaths ); if ($Config{locincpth}) { push @incs, grep -d, split ' ', $Config{locincpth}; } if ($^O =~ /win32/i && $Config{cc} =~ /\bcl\b/i) { push(@incs, split /;/, $ENV{INCLUDE}) if exists $ENV{INCLUDE}; } if ($Config{incpath}) { push @incs, grep -d, split /\Q$Config{path_sep}/, $Config{incpath}; } push @incs, grep -d, qw(/sw/include /usr/include/freetype2 /usr/local/include/freetype2 /usr/local/include/freetype1/freetype /usr/include /usr/local/include /usr/include/freetype /usr/local/include/freetype); if ($Config{ccflags}) { my @hidden = map { /^-I(.*)$/ ? ($1) : () } split ' ', $Config{ccflags}; push @incs, @hidden; @definc{@hidden} = (1) x @hidden; } @libs= ( split(/\Q$Config{path_sep}/,$LIBPATH), map { split /\Q$Config{path_sep}/} @libpaths ); if ($Config{loclibpth}) { push @libs, grep -d, split ' ', $Config{loclibpth}; } push @libs, grep -d, qw(/sw/lib), split(/ /, $Config{'libpth'}); push @libs, grep -d, split / /, $Config{libspath} if $Config{libspath}; if ($^O =~ /win32/i && $Config{cc} =~ /\bcl\b/i) { push(@libs, split /;/, $ENV{LIB}) if exists $ENV{LIB}; } if ($^O eq 'cygwin') { push(@libs, '/usr/lib/w32api') if -d '/usr/lib/w32api'; push(@incs, '/usr/include/w32api') if -d '/usr/include/w32api'; } if ($Config{ldflags}) { # some builds of perl put -Ldir into ldflags without putting it in # loclibpth, let's extract them my @hidden = grep -d, map { /^-L(.*)$/ ? ($1) : () } split ' ', $Config{ldflags}; push @libs, @hidden; # don't mark them as seen - EU::MM will remove any libraries # it can't find and it doesn't look for -L in ldflags #@deflib{@hidden} = @hidden; } push @libs, grep -d, qw(/usr/local/lib); $formats{'jpeg'}={ order=>'21', def=>'HAVE_LIBJPEG', inccheck=>sub { -e catfile($_[0], 'jpeglib.h') }, libcheck=>sub { $_[0] eq "libjpeg$aext" or $_ eq "libjpeg.$lext" }, libfiles=>'-ljpeg', objfiles=>'jpeg.o', docs=>q{ In order to use jpeg with this module you need to have libjpeg installed on your computer} }; $formats{'tiff'}={ order=>'23', def=>'HAVE_LIBTIFF', inccheck=>sub { -e catfile($_[0], 'tiffio.h') }, libcheck=>sub { $_[0] eq "libtiff$aext" or $_ eq "libtiff.$lext" }, libfiles=>'-ltiff', objfiles=>'tiff.o', docs=>q{ In order to use tiff with this module you need to have libtiff installed on your computer} }; $formats{'png'}={ order=>'22', def=>'HAVE_LIBPNG', inccheck=>sub { -e catfile($_[0], 'png.h') }, libcheck=>sub { $_[0] eq "libpng$aext" or $_[0] eq "libpng.$lext" }, libfiles=>$^O eq 'MSWin32' ? '-lpng -lzlib' : '-lpng -lz', objfiles=>'png.o', docs=>q{ Png stands for Portable Network Graphics and is intended as a replacement for gif on the web. It is patent free and is recommended by the w3c, you need libpng to use these formats}, code => \&png_probe, }; $formats{'gif'}={ order=>'20', def=>'HAVE_LIBGIF', inccheck=>sub { -e catfile($_[0], 'gif_lib.h') }, libcheck=>sub { $_[0] eq "libgif$aext" or $_[0] eq "libgif.$lext" }, libfiles=>'-lgif', objfiles=>'gif.o', docs=>q{ gif is the de facto standard for webgraphics at the moment, it does have some patent problems. If you have giflib and are not in violation with the unisys patent you should use this instead of the 'ungif' option. Note that they cannot be in use at the same time} }; $formats{'ungif'}={ order=>'21', def=>'HAVE_LIBGIF', inccheck=>sub { -e catfile($_[0], 'gif_lib.h') }, libcheck=>sub { $_[0] eq "libungif$aext" or $_[0] eq "libungif.$lext" }, libfiles=>'-lungif', objfiles=>'gif.o', docs=>q{ gif is the de facto standard for webgraphics at the moment, it does have some patent problems. If you have libungif and want to create images free from LZW patented compression you should use this option instead of the 'gif' option} }; $formats{'T1-fonts'}={ order=>'30', def=>'HAVE_LIBT1', inccheck=>sub { -e catfile($_[0], 't1lib.h') }, libcheck=>sub { $_[0] eq "libt1$aext" or $_[0] eq "libt1.$lext" }, libfiles=>'-lt1', objfiles=>'', docs=>q{ postscript t1 fonts are scalable fonts. They can include ligatures and kerning information and generally yield good visual quality. We depend on libt1 to rasterize the fonts for use in images.} }; $formats{'TT-fonts'}= { order=>'31', def=>'HAVE_LIBTT', inccheck=>sub { -e catfile($_[0], 'freetype.h') && !-e catfile($_[0], 'fterrors.h') }, libcheck=>sub { $_[0] eq "libttf$aext" or $_[0] eq "libttf.$lext" }, libfiles=>'-lttf', objfiles=>'', code => \&freetype1_probe, docs=>q{ Truetype fonts are scalable fonts. They can include kerning and hinting information and generally yield good visual quality esp on low resultions. The freetype library is used to rasterize for us. The only drawback is that there are alot of badly designed fonts out there.} }; $formats{'w32'} = { order=>40, def=>'HAVE_WIN32', inccheck=>sub { -e catfile($_[0], 'windows.h') }, libcheck=>sub { lc $_[0] eq 'gdi32.lib' || lc $_[0] eq 'libgdi32.a' }, libfiles=>$^O eq 'cygwin' ? '-lgdi32' : '', objfiles=>'win32.o', docs => <'29', def=>'HAVE_FT2', # we always use a probe function #inccheck=>sub { -e catfile($_[0], 'ft2build.h') }, #libcheck=>sub { $_[0] eq "libfreetype$aext" or $_[0] eq "libfreetype.$lext" }, libfiles=>'-lfreetype', objfiles=>'freetyp2.o', docs=>< [ \&freetype2_probe_ftconfig, \&freetype2_probe_scan ], }; # Make fix indent for (keys %formats) { $formats{$_}->{docs} =~ s/^\s+/ /mg; } } sub gen { my $V = $ENV{$_[0]}; defined($V) ? $V : ""; } # Get information from environment variables sub getenv { ($VERBOSE, $INCPATH, $LIBPATH, $NOLOG, $DEBUG_MALLOC, $MANUAL, $CFLAGS, $LFLAGS, $DFLAGS) = map { gen $_ } qw(IM_VERBOSE IM_INCPATH IM_LIBPATH IM_NOLOG IM_DEBUG_MALLOC IM_MANUAL IM_CFLAGS IM_LFLAGS IM_DFLAGS); } sub make_imconfig { my ($defines) = @_; open CONFIG, "> imconfig.h" or die "Cannot create imconfig.h: $!\n"; print CONFIG <[2]) { print CONFIG "\n/*\n $define->[2]\n*/\n\n"; } print CONFIG "#define $define->[0] $define->[1]\n"; } print CONFIG "\n#endif\n"; close CONFIG; } # use pkg-config to probe for libraries # works around the junk that pkg-config dumps on FreeBSD sub _pkg_probe { my ($pkg) = @_; is_exe('pkg-config') or return; my $redir = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? '' : '2>/dev/null'; !system("pkg-config $pkg --exists $redir"); } # probes for freetype1 by scanning @incs for the includes and # @libs for the libs. This is done separately because freetype's headers # are stored in a freetype or freetype1 directory under PREFIX/include. # # we could find the files with the existing mechanism, but it won't set # -I flags correctly. # # This could be extended to freetype2 too, but freetype-config catches # that sub freetype1_probe { my ($frm, $frmkey) = @_; my $found_inc; INCS: for my $inc (@incs) { for my $subdir (qw/freetype freetype1/) { my $path = File::Spec->catfile($inc, $subdir, 'freetype.h'); -e $path or next; $path = File::Spec->catfile($inc, $subdir, 'fterrors.h'); -e $path and next; $found_inc = File::Spec->catdir($inc, $subdir); last INCS; } } my $found_lib; LIBS: for my $lib (@libs) { my $a_path = File::Spec->catfile($lib, "libttf$aext"); my $l_path = File::Spec->catfile($lib, "libttf.$lext"); if (-e $a_path || -e $l_path) { $found_lib = $lib; last LIBS; } } return unless $found_inc && $found_lib; printf("%10s: includes %s - libraries %s\n", $frmkey, ($found_inc ? 'found' : 'not found'), ($found_lib ? 'found' : 'not found')); $frm->{cflags} = "-I$found_inc"; $frm->{libfiles} = "-lttf"; return 1; } # probes for freetype2 by trying to run freetype-config sub freetype2_probe_ftconfig { my ($frm, $frmkey) = @_; is_exe('freetype-config') or return; my $cflags = `freetype-config --cflags` and !$? or return; chomp $cflags; my $lflags = `freetype-config --libs` and !$? or return; chomp $lflags; # before 2.1.5 freetype-config --cflags could output # the -I options in the wrong order, causing a conflict with # freetype1.x installed with the same --prefix # # can happen iff: # - both -Iprefix/include and -Iprefix/include/freetype2 are in cflags # in that order # - freetype 1.x headers are in prefix/include/freetype my @incdirs = map substr($_, 2), grep /^-I/, split ' ', $cflags; if (@incdirs == 2 && $incdirs[1] eq "$incdirs[0]/freetype2" && -e "$incdirs[0]/freetype/freetype.h" && -e "$incdirs[0]/freetype/fterrid.h") { print "** freetype-config provided -I options out of order, correcting\n" if $VERBOSE; $cflags = join(' ', grep(!/-I/, split ' ', $cflags), map "-I$_", reverse @incdirs); } $frm->{cflags} = $cflags; $frm->{lflags} = $lflags; printf "%10s: configured via freetype-config\n", $frmkey; return 1; } # attempt to probe for freetype2 by scanning directories # we can't use the normal scan since we need to find the directory # containing most of the includes sub freetype2_probe_scan { my ($frm, $frmkey) = @_; my $found_inc; my $found_inc2; INCS: for my $inc (@incs) { my $path = File::Spec->catfile($inc, 'ft2build.h'); -e $path or next; # try to find what it's including my $ftheader; open FT2BUILD, "< $path" or next; while () { if (m!^\s*\#\s*include\s+<([\w/.]+)>! || m!^\s*\#\s*include\s+"([\w/.]+)"!) { $ftheader = $1; last; } } close FT2BUILD; $ftheader or next; # non-Unix installs put this directly under the same directory in # theory if (-e File::Spec->catfile($inc, $ftheader)) { $found_inc = $inc; last INCS; } for my $subdir (qw/freetype2 freetype/) { $path = File::Spec->catfile($inc, $subdir, 'fterrors.h'); -e $path and next; $found_inc = $inc; $found_inc2 = File::Spec->catdir($inc, $subdir); last INCS; } } my $found_lib; LIBS: for my $lib (@libs) { my $a_path = File::Spec->catfile($lib, "libfreetype$aext"); my $l_path = File::Spec->catfile($lib, "libfreetype.$lext"); if (-e $a_path || -e $l_path) { $found_lib = $lib; last LIBS; } } printf("%10s: includes %s - libraries %s\n", $frmkey, ($found_inc ? 'found' : 'not found'), ($found_lib ? 'found' : 'not found')); return unless $found_inc && $found_lib; $frm->{cflags} = _make_I($found_inc); $frm->{cflags} .= " " . _make_I($found_inc2) if $found_inc2; $frm->{libfiles} = "-lfreetype"; return 1; } sub _make_I { my ($inc_dir) = @_; $definc{$inc_dir} and return ''; $inc_dir =~ / / ? qq!-I"$inc_dir"! : "-I$inc_dir"; } # probes for libpng via pkg-config sub png_probe { my ($frm, $frmkey) = @_; is_exe('pkg-config') or return; my $config; for my $check_conf (qw(libpng libpng12 libpng10)) { if (_pkg_probe($check_conf)) { $config = $check_conf; last; } } $config or return; my $cflags = `pkg-config $config --cflags` and !$? or return; my $lflags = `pkg-config $config --libs` and !$? or return; chomp $cflags; chomp $lflags; $frm->{cflags} = $cflags; $frm->{lflags} = $lflags; printf "%10s: configured via `pkg-config $config ...`\n", $frmkey; return 1; } sub catfile { return File::Spec->catfile(@_); } sub is_exe { my ($name) = @_; for my $dir (File::Spec->path) { -x catfile($dir, "$name$Config{_exe}") and return 1; } return; } sub usage { print STDERR <parse_version($opts->{VERSION_FROM}) or die "Could not extract version number from $opts->{VERSION_FROM}\n"; # we don't set this on older EU::MM and it corrupts META.yml # so don't generate it return unless $opts->{AUTHOR}; my $meta = <{NAME} version: $version version_from: $opts->{VERSION_FROM} author: $opts->{AUTHOR} abstract: $opts->{ABSTRACT} installdirs: site YAML if (keys %{$Recommends{$opts->{NAME}}}) { $meta .= "recommends:\n"; while (my ($module, $version) = each %{$Recommends{$opts->{NAME}}}) { $meta .= " $module: $version\n"; } } if ($opts->{PREREQ_PM}) { $meta .= "requires:\n"; while (my ($module, $version) = each %{$opts->{PREREQ_PM}}) { $meta .= " $module: $version\n"; } } $meta .= <{NAME} version $version YAML my $save_meta; if (open META, "< META.yml") { my $old_meta = do { local $/; }; close META; $save_meta = $old_meta ne $meta; } else { ++$save_meta; } if ($save_meta) { print "Updating META.yml\n"; open META, "> META.yml" or die "Cannot create META.yml: $!"; print META $meta; close META; } }