Imager 0.44 has been released and will soon be available on all CPAN mirrors. This is primarily a bug-fix release. The following issues have been fixed: - reading or writing any TIFF image would produce a run-time error with recent versions of tifflib. - Imager would fail to link or load (platform dependently) if built with the IM_NOLOG option - the Win32 bounding_box() function would return the wrong number of values - the pnm (pbm, pgm, ppm) reader would read the maximum sample value entry (maxval) from the pnm file and then ignore that value. This meant that images with a maximum sample below 255 would be stored darked than they were meant to be. Note that Imager cannot currently read binary pnm images with a maxval > 255. - attempting to convert a 3 channel image to a paletted image could result in a segmentation fault if an empty target palette was supplied. This could also occur in the implicit RGB => paletted conversion done when writing a GIF image. - the setcolors() method wasn't correctly returning false on failure (due to an XS error) - supplying a sufficiently small scaling value to the scale() method could result in a zero width or height image. - the scale() method now produces a warning when called in void context - Makefile.PL now handles spaces in the INCLUDE and LIB environment variables on Win32 - write() didn't return false on failure to write a GIF image - if you called crop() with parameters other than the basic left, right, top, bottom to specify the source rectangle, the result was usually suprising. The crop() documentation has been rewritten. - the glyph_names() method usually crashed if the string parameter wasn't supplied. - the glyph_names() method would ignore all but the bottom 8 bits of unicode characters. - there was a memory leak when using callbacks for reading/writing images - in some cases the incorrect generated palette was returned when writing a GIF image. - the BMP reader had many bugs. - reading a PNG file would set the i_yres tag to the horizontal resolution of the image - all image readers now handle image sizes that would result in an integer overflow by returning failure rather than by a segmentation fault. - renamed io.h to imio.h to avoid a conflict on cygwin. New features: - you can now supply a background color for the rotate() and matrix_transform() functions. - Imager::Color methods now have an equals() method. - Imager now includes a builtin colors table, usable by the builtin parameter or as a final fallback for the name parameter. - the i_format tag is now set when reading an image to the format of the image - the BMP file reader now sets more tags in the resulting image Documentation changes: - document that the most recent libungif is fixed and the most recent giflib is still broken. (README and other places) - added a method index to