0.009 15 Jun 2010 - check for Win32 support with Devel::CheckLib if we don't find them otherwise. https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=56793 0.008 21 Sep 2009 - document that screenshot() returns nothing on failure and the cause can be found with Imager->errstr https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=46933 - use META_MERGE instead of EXTRA_META to set configure/build_requires 0.007 13 Apr 2008 - wait for the widget to be displayed before doing the delay that takes the screenshot. This forces the widget to be displayed on loaded machines. Thanks to Slaven Rezic. https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=34792 - die with a message automated cpan testers treat as a non-fail when we can't find the needed headers and libraries. https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=34845 0.006 9 Apr 2008 - screenshot() on a non-toplevel Tk widget would crash when calling the frame method. Since this call appears to be unnecessary I've removed it, and plan to run tests on a few platforms to check I haven't broken anything. RT #32843 - thanks to Slaven Rezic. - improved the error messages displayed when headers and libraries can't be found http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=32856 - added --incpath and --libpath options to Makefile.PL and also look in $ENV{IM_INCPATH} and $ENV{IM_LIBPATH} like Imager. - document the widget parameter https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=32855 - document that overlapping windows will show in a captured image. http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=32842 - add appropriate configure_requires and build_requires to META.yml so that automated testers will install those pre-requisites early enough. http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=29560 0.005 12 Mar 2007 - 0.005 release - added a TODO section to the POD - include NA in the die output from Makefile.PL if we can't find supported GUI libraries/headers (RT #24486) - screenshot() no longer leaks image objects caused by the Imager typemap bug (RT #24992) 0.004 23 Jan 2007 - 0.004 release - add ppport.h for 5.005_03 support - t/30tkx11.t now provides a default gemoetry to prevent a wait for window placement on window managers that do that (like TWM - RT #24445) - set tags in the resulting image - remove an unused variable - add support for getting a subimage of the window - include the interface header in the implementations so we get errors when they don't match (doh!) - return something from the X11 error handler - add X11/Xutil.h include for XDestroyImage() - handle the default (no id or hwnd) case correctly 0.003 12 Jan 2007 - 0.003 release - ignore some VC++ generated junk in MANIFEST.SKIP - avoid some Makefile.PL warnings - use Imager in Makefile.PL since I'd prefer to error on that rather than Imager::ExtUtils - work around Debian strangeness - the x11 capture wasn't releasing the XImage or the line and color buffers. - x11_open() incorrectly reset the error handler to junk - Makefile.PL was checking /usr/X11R6 for headers instead of /usr/X11R6/include - add header directories as -I flags if we find a header in them - avoid duplicate -L flags 0.002 2 Jan 2007 Just packaging changes: - README was missing - updated my EU::MM and I now set the LICENSE key so it's set in META.yml 0.001 1 Jan 2007 - Initial release with X11 and Win32 support