=head1 NAME TODO - other things to be done for Imager::Graph =head1 DESCRIPTION =over =item * other graph types =item * better scaling support in the default styles =item * some sort of support for handling rounding issues nicely, eg. if the user supplies 3 equal values then the percentages shown all be "33%" which doesn't add up to 100%. I'm not sure what can be done about that though. =item * better space management - the current blocking system is a bit crude (low priority). This would probably require some iterative method of checking for overlaps for different graph elements rather than blocking down to a box. =item * shortcuts for fountain fill segments, ie. instead of having to call: Imager::Fountain->simple(positions=>[0, 1], colors=>[ NC('000000'), NC('FFFFF') ]) allow the entry to contain: segments=>[ '000000', 'FFFFFF' ] or even more colors, and provide positions equally spaced from 0 to 1. =item * popped out segments (pie charts) =item * backgrounds for pie labels =item * backgrounds for pie callouts =item * break up Imager::Graph::Pie::draw() - too big =item * implement label.hpad and label.vpad =item * some way to get to the layout of the data, eg. so the user can build an image map, or possibly an image map generator. =item * handle small segments in the pie by making the leaders non-radial =item * move more construction to the constructor =back =cut