BSE 0.20 (unreleased) ======== Please read any NOTES below carefully. - store a truncated card number for credit card payments (both online and email). Reinstate storage of the card holder name in ccName. ccNumberHash is no longer populated. - ifNeedDelivery (checkoutnew_base.tmpl) wasn't being reset on order submission. - the site_users table has been refactored into the bse_siteusers table, removing the bill* fields and adding deliv* fields. Other obsolete fields have also been removed. NOTE: To preserve your registered users on upgrade, run the provided schema/site_users_to_members.sql SQL through the mysql tool. This will create entries in bse_siteusers corresponding to those in your original site_users table. You MUST start with an empty bse_siteusers table or the script will throw an error. NOTE: Any configuration such as report definitions, query group definitions should now refer to bse_siteusers instead of site_users. - Data::UUID 1.148 is now required - remove target entry for the shop confirm action, which was otherwise removed years ago. RT #1280. - logon now starts a new session, preserving the cart. As a side-effect this logs out the admin user, though this may change. RT #1279. - passing a new session id between the SSL and non-SSL versions of the site is now validated. RT #1279. NOTE: This requires that [site].secret be set to a value specific to your site. Running: openssl rand -base64 32 generates a suitable value. - delete the session data for a site users session when they logoff. As a side effect this will log out the admin user. - allow dynamic content pages to display flashed messages with the message tag. Note that not all actions flash a message. Template updates: - checkoutpay_base.tmpl - the name of the cardHolder payment field is now ccName. - admin/order_detail.tmpl - order ccPAN can be used to display the truncated card number. - user/options_billing_base.tmpl and its generated template have been renamed with s/billing/delivery/ since it now contains delivery details. The link to it from user/options(_base).tmpl has also been updated. - user/options_base.tmpl, user/register_base.tmpl, admin/users/(add,edit,view).tmpl have been updated to match the new site users schema. - user/logon_base.tmpl, user/register_base.tmpl - updated the "nothing is more permanent that a temporary solution" link text for logon, register and recover password. - shopitem.tmpl - display the flashed message, if any. Internals: - Squirrel::Table->make now looks for default_I when looking for default values for a column.