BSE 0.25 - 01 Aug 2014 ======== Bug fixes: - (BSE::UserReg) now consistently does new-style message handling - embedding no longer messes up the variable state for article generation. - actually tokenize the !~ template expression operator. - audit log mailing now uses the most specific email address supplied - now returns a 404 if the requested page id/alias can't be found - the tag owner (eg. articles) tag_ids() method was returning a tag count rather than the tag ids - fix date article custom fields - fix product custom fields - don't strip '-' and '_' from linkAlias in the importer - ensure images have unique ids when re-orders - correctly validate and report on bad tag values (c46eae4) - use quoted-printable where needed for text parts, and always for html parts of mail sent via BSE::ComposeMail (08a49f2d) - fix subscriptions (newsletters) (6c8fac02) - always fallback to [shop].from for From: email address - fix word-wrapping for audit log emails - fix encoding of email content - select search excerpts that match the search text like the search engine, rather than simple text matching (d325876a) Enhancements: - the article mock objects used for pregen behave more like article objects - password strength validation and account lockouts for repeated failed logons. - plain text passwords are no longer supported - articles/products can now be imported from CSV - article/product imports can now be done as "update_only" so that required fields aren't necessary - installation now uses install.cfg, which is formatted like bse.cfg - added a tool to hash unhashed site user and admin user passwords - coupons for the shop - global files and image no longer require an identifier - when transforming an article title for use in a URL, replace non-alphanumeric characters with '-' instead of '_'. - now allows a sort spec of 'shuffle' - article/global images can now have tags (a3e0dbc) - emails for siteusers are now whitespace validated and trimmed (b5fe5b6c) - allow to run as FastCGI (f5ea58be) - SVG support for article/global images Templates: - add top, dynamic, generator, url variables to generated article templates - replace variables on the makeIndex html output - add a params variable that behaves like the tag - expression tags like <:= foo :> now escape as html by default. - added an escape() method to scalars. - added a shuffle() method to arrays - add current to the loop variable used in .for ... in - added convience methods image_by_name, image_by_index, file_by_name to article objects - added a set_subject() function to BSE::ComposeMail templates - added .while and .wrap template directives - allow collection_with_tags() to work on all_visible_products() - massive formatter re-work - allow defaults to be specified for .define (53c28223) - allow barewords for pair list keys (53c28223) - various preload.tmpl changes BSE 0.24 - 11 Feb 2013 ======== Bug fixes: - clean up access control records for article when the article is deleted - lookup the scalecache path and uri consistently, and configure them in the [paths] and [uri] sections. This may break your site if you didn't use the old defaults. - remove the local date and money tag definitions from the administrative embedded catalog tags. This will require updates to your embedded catalog template (admin/catalog.tmpl in base BSE). - the code now handles file renames correctly - test.cfg is now handled case sensitively so the resulting bse-install.cfg uses the same cases as test.cfg - change BSE::UserReg to use dyn_response() instead of show_page() in the few places still using it. - define access rights for the pregen actions - update price and tier information in the cart when the user logs in - several template expression fixes: - or is now only an operator when a distinct word in template expressions - parse () groups as primary expressions in template expressions - fix the list() method for hashes - moved [basic].public_files to [uri].public files. RT #1359. - fixed example in the SYNOPSIS for BSE::Cache::Memcached Enhancements: - add support for exporting report results as CSV - add .iterateover directive to templates - add a web UI to the importer - added documentation to BSE::UserReg, BSE::Request::Base (the request object) - template expression enhancements: - added several new scalar methods to template expressions - added the set() method to hashes in template expressions - added the expand() method to lists template expressions - BSE now searches for shipping modules in the library_path. - article custom fields can now be configured in [article custom fields] etc - the shopping cart is now visible to the new tag system - flash notices when the user manipulates the cart - unlisted, un-released, expired and unlinked pages are now treated as unavailable: - static content is remove if present - dynamic access returns a 404 error - added FixedIntl shipping module - updated the required modules in Templates: - admin/catalog.tmpl (maybe named differently) - removed the local date and money tag definitions. API: - admin group creation now provides reasonable defaults Testing: - many internal test code changes - update the regen_known_errors make target to match the new test file name - add actions test for BSE::UserReg - disable debug output for the eway test BSE 0.23 - 07 Sep 2012 ======== Bug fixes: - <:.set ... :> would treat an unknown value (ENOIMPL) as an error rather, instead of leaving the code in place - removed the unused Squirrel::ImageEditor and AdminUtil modules. - column names in generated queries are now quoted using the identifier quote returned by the database driver. - handle language ids of the form xx_XX.charset correctly when performing message lookups. - global images are now returned in the order specified in the editor. Enchancements: - modify Generate::* classes to build templates by filename instead of reading them into memory. This will allow caching by Squirrel::Template. - add [basic].cache_templates_locally to configure Squirrel::Template to cache templates in memory. This removes the overhead of (de-)serializing from/to an external cache, but may increase memory use. - tags can now depend on a tag from another category being selected before being displayed. - lookups in sql_statements are now cached. - added collection_with_tags() to TagOwners (so it's usable for Articles and Products, etc) to allow filtering the various collection methods by tag. - added bse.articles and bse.products for access to the Articles and Products collection classes. - order payment would fail if the CC fields weren't present. - search index depth can now be configured in the config file - some tests now clean up the articles they create more reliably - $DATADIR is now configurable as [paths].data - $IMAGEDIR and $IMAGES_URI are now reliably configurable as [paths].images and [uri].images. - better perl 5.16 compatibility (resolved some warnings) - installation now updates installed scripts with the test.cfg configured perl. - tests now handle missing optional modules correctly - added iterateBy() to Squirrel::Table for memory efficient iteration over query results. - revamped - output is now controlled by templates - added a command-line tool - web UI is now access controlled - the web UI now provides a preview of the work to be done, with checkboxes to control which clean ups are done. - now accounts for public files controlled by BSE::TB::Files. - quoted shipping can now be disabled - added the Courier::ByUnitAU shipping module. Infrastructure: - the test script directory (t) has been reorganized. - configuration can now be loaded from a string to simplify building config objects for testing. Documentation: - documented [basic].all_dynamic - minor documentation updates to Squirrel::Table - added a htmldocs target to the Makefile. This requires a HTMLDOCDIR parameter: make htmldocs HTMLDOCDIR=/somewhere - added tests for syntax check all pod - improved documentation in Articles, BSE::AdminMenu and Squirrel::Template::Processor. Templates: - now properly passes the admin state to bse.* template variables - added templates admin/imageclean/intro.tmpl, admin/imageclean/preview.tmpl and admin/imageclean/final.tmpl for the updated BSE 0.22 - 08 Jun 2012 ======== Bug fixes: - the search index builder was ignoring configured field scores. - the customer is no longer asked to select a shipper and shipping is set to zero for orders where all products have zero weight. - template engine: template tags implemented as a literal were no replaced when that literal was false. (4a446ac3) - the body text markup doclink[] accepts link aliases, but didn't allow for "-" in the alias. All "-" and document aliases are permitted. - shopadmin order_paid and order_unpaid are now recorded in the audit log instead of being added to special instructions. - the scale() thumbnail operator, when used with a background would paste rather than rubthrough() the source, leaving tranparent areas black. If a fill is supplied, it is now always used for transparent images. - generate the correct refresh URL when the user isn't logged on attempting to request an admin page. Enhancements: - automatic image insertion can now be disabled globally or on a per-article basis. - templating re-re-work: - still backward compatible - new, faster, more regular processing internal to tags: - variables supplied by code, similarly to TT, Mason - macro definitions - call macros or files with parameters and localized variables - integration into BSE itself still limited, but one step at a time. - briefly documented (site/docs/bse_import.pod) - can now update article tags - can now update tiered pricing - make the eimage variable available on the admin/image_edit template and use it to display a thumbnail. - add the Courier::FixedAU shipping driver. - that an order was manually paid is now recorded separately from the payment type. - the shopadmin order_paid target now accepts a paymentType variable to optionally set a new payment type on manual payment - the shopadmin order_paid and order_unpaid now require csfrp tokens. - siteuser admin view and edit targets now also accept userId to identify the user. Templates: - admin/order_detail.tmpl - the product tag now uses tag_article as it should. - admin/order_detail.tmpl - added order, payment_types and payment_type_desc as template variables. - admin/subscr/list - isubscription is now an object tag, giving access to the is_removable method - admin/subscr/edit, admin/subscr/detail - subscription is now an object tag BSE 0.21 - 07 Mar 2012 ======== - Squirrel::Template has largely been rewritten performing a parsing then a processing step rather than doing many, many s/// over the template text. - verbose output of is now based on the template admin/generate.tmpl - add the referer tag to all dynamic pages - added [undeletable articles] to bse.cfg as a supplement to @NO_DELETE. @NO_DELETE is now deprecated and may be removed in a future release of BSE. - iterator inlines can now be filtered (Adrian Oldham) - added some more extension to content type mappings for video formats (Adrian Oldham) - the shopadmin order list targets are now much more efficient - they no longer load the entire order table, are paginated, and let the data do the selection of matching records. NOTE: this removes some backward compatibility - iterator filters no longer work and a new tag, all_order_count can be used to fetch order counts. Extra search parameters have been provided to filter the results. - added a new adminurl2 tag where the second parameter is a target. - now flashes all success messages, and success message text is fetched from the messages table - added is_released and is_expired methods to Article. This should be visible to article tags in templates. - more consistently use tag_article on the admin side of the site. - make tag_article smarter so it can call more methods - consistently use admin_tags instead of the old collection of admin tag methods. - tag_object (used for object style tags) now checks restricted_method() if implemented for the object. - the editor file iterator is now an object iterator, and the efile tag on the file edit page is now an object tag - add file_exists to BSE::TB::Article::File - refactored into (web) and util/ (console). Output from these is now encoded using the default BSE encoding. can now produce HTML output using admin/makeindex.tmpl The bse_make_index background process now uses the console version. - admin-mode article links now ignore the admin value stored in the article record and always return a link to for that article. - add a missing comma to BSE::UI, preventing a warning. Bug fixes: - would return content types with doubled image/ prefixes, eg. image/image/jpeg - update BSE::AdminUsers, BSE::ChangePW, BSE::UI::AdminReport to use more modern admin tags (partial) (Adrian Oldham for BSE::ChangePW, BSE::UI::AdminReport) - with [site].secureadmin enabled, refreshes to the secure admin url could cause a 500 error. - check nomatch fields even for blank fields. Otherwise a field with a LF or CR would not be caught by the dh_one_line validation rule. - saving a tag from the tag manager without changing the name or deleting a tag that doesn't exist would result in a 500 error. - setting an unfilled order's stage to "shipped" now sets whoFilled and whenFilled for the order. - an empty title (but no missing) when saving a user or group file no longer defaults that to the file display name. - validation errors are now correctly displayed for adding a user or group file - supplying an empty content type when saving a user or group file now resets the content type to that derived from the file's display name. - fix the message id for the "move up a level to section" message in the possible parents drop down. - error_img would produce an inline stack trace from an internal error on a failed logon. ( Templates: - admin/order_list*.tmpl - see the order list re-work above. - you can now use <:- and -:> as tag delimiters to consume whitespace on the left and right of the tag. - Squirrel::Template now documents the template syntax more regularly. - Squirrel::Template is now much faster in most cases. - admin/subscr/detail - the subscription orders iterator now includes the billFirstName, billLastName and filled fields from the order. (Adrian Oldham) Internals: - added a getCount() method to retrieve a count of matching records. BSE 0.20 - 22 Dec 2011 ======== Please read any NOTES below carefully. - store a truncated card number for credit card payments (both online and email). Reinstate storage of the card holder name in ccName. ccNumberHash is no longer populated. - ifNeedDelivery (checkoutnew_base.tmpl) wasn't being reset on order submission. - the site_users table has been refactored into the bse_siteusers table, removing the bill* fields and adding deliv* fields. Other obsolete fields have also been removed. NOTE: To preserve your registered users on upgrade, run the provided schema/site_users_to_members.sql SQL through the mysql tool. This will create entries in bse_siteusers corresponding to those in your original site_users table. You MUST start with an empty bse_siteusers table or the script will throw an error. NOTE: Any configuration such as report definitions, query group definitions should now refer to bse_siteusers instead of site_users. - Data::UUID 1.148 is now required - remove target entry for the shop confirm action, which was otherwise removed years ago. RT #1280. - logon now starts a new session, preserving the cart. As a side-effect this logs out the admin user, though this may change. RT #1279. - passing a new session id between the SSL and non-SSL versions of the site is now validated. RT #1279. NOTE: This requires that [site].secret be set to a value specific to your site. Running: openssl rand -base64 32 generates a suitable value. - delete the session data for a site users session when they logoff. As a side effect this will log out the admin user. - allow dynamic content pages to display flashed messages with the message tag. Note that not all actions flash a message. Template updates: - checkoutpay_base.tmpl - the name of the cardHolder payment field is now ccName. - admin/order_detail.tmpl - order ccPAN can be used to display the truncated card number. - user/options_billing_base.tmpl and its generated template have been renamed with s/billing/delivery/ since it now contains delivery details. The link to it from user/options(_base).tmpl has also been updated. - user/options_base.tmpl, user/register_base.tmpl, admin/users/(add,edit,view).tmpl have been updated to match the new site users schema. - user/logon_base.tmpl, user/register_base.tmpl - updated the "nothing is more permanent that a temporary solution" link text for logon, register and recover password. - shopitem.tmpl - display the flashed message, if any. - removed the unused checkoutcard and checkoutconfirm templates - added admin/generate.tmpl for progress output. - added admin/makeindex.tmpl for search index verbose output Internals: - Squirrel::Table->make now looks for default_I when looking for default values for a column.