<:wrap email/base.tmpl:>

You have created an order with <:siteName:>:

To stay up to date on the status of your order, see:

"><:= cfg.user_url("user", "oda", "id", order.randomId) |h:>

Order: <:= order.id.format("%06d") :>

<:.if order.delivMobile:> <:.end if -:> <:.if order.facsimile :> <:.end if -:>
Delivery: <:= order.delivFirstName :> <:= order.delivLastName :>
<:= order.delivStreet :>
<:= order.delivSuburb :> <:= order.delivPostCode :> <:= order.delivState :>
<:= order.delivCountry :>
Phone: <:= order.telephone :>
Mobile: <:= order.delivMobile :>
Fax: <:= order.facsimile :>
Email: <:= order.emailAddress :>
<:.for item in [ order.items ]:> <:.end for -:>
Product Units Price Extended
<:= item.title :> <:.if item.nice_options:>
<:= item.nice_options :> <:-.end if -:>
<:= item.units:> <:= bse.number("money", item.price) :> <:= bse.number("money", item.extended("price")):>
Shipping: <:= bse.number("money", order.shipping_cost) :>
Total: <:= bse.number("money", order.total) :>
<:.if order.paymentType == 0 -:>

Paid by credit card.

<:.if order.ccOnline -:>

Processed online.

Receipt No. : <:= order.ccReceipt :>

<:.end if :> <:.elsif order.paymentType == 1 -:>

Will be paid by cheque

<:.elsif order.paymentType == 2 -:>

We will call you to arrange for payment

<:.elsif order.paymentType == 4 -:>

Paid by PayPal, transaction id <:= order.paypal_tran_id :>

<:.end if -:> <:include custom/payment_type_email.include:> <:.if order.shipping_method:>

To be shipped by: <:= order.shipping_method:>

<:.end if -:> <:.if order.instructions:>

Special Instructions: <:= order.instructions :>

<:.end if -:>